The semi-coherent, occasionally amusing, usually grammatically correct ramblings of a recovering English major.

25 September 2006

"thou hadst little wit in thy bald crown" king lear: i, iv

Separated at birth?

You probably recognize the gent on the right as Yul Brenner. On the left, however, you may be scratching your head.

Let me help you out.

Ok ok ok! It's an inexplicably head-shaved Joey Lawrence.

He's appearing on Dancing With The Stars, apparently. I know this only because I was trying to figure out why on earth I kept seeing that Daddy Warbucks-like picture of him everywhere. Now I know. But I don't know why he would choose this look, and it troubles me.

No answers on Wikipedia's entry on him; although, according to them, apparently I am supposed to call him "Joseph" now. I'm not sure he gets it -- if you're a child actor who's grown up, you will be your child actor persona for the rest of your life. Sorry. Even I use the names "Little Opie" and "The Beave" to refer to the actors who played those two characters, despite the fact that I wasn't even born yet when their shows were on tv.

I think my favorite thing on the Wikipedia entry for Joey Lawrence is this line: ..."he played the character Joey Russo, a dim-witted young man who frequently uttered the phrase 'Whoa.'" I don't think this gives the full impact of how utterly dumb that catchphrase, if one can even call it that, was. I worry that future generations won't get it.


V. said...

Not to be confused with Keanu Reeves who played Ted Theodore Logan, a dim-witted young man who frequently uttered teh phrase WHOOAAA.

It is a subtle difference but one that bears examination.

Unknown said...

Yeah, the first time I saw that picture of JL, I thought that it was someone playing Lex Luthor? Or perhaps Telly Sevalas' son Skippy.