The semi-coherent, occasionally amusing, usually grammatically correct ramblings of a recovering English major.

28 October 2007

"a strange fellow here" troilus and cressida: iii, iii

The All Children's Theatre, which I mentioned earlier, got some nice press in today's local paper. It's great to see such a nice write-up. The print edition had some nice other photos as well.

Things are coming together nicely for the Gala. I have my first rehearsal for the Empire Revue tomorrow evening after work. I actually got a little ahead on my schoolwork last night. It's been a pretty good couple of days from that standpoint. And it's finally feeling like fall. I think I might make a stew later this week. MMM MM good!

I was waiting for a bus this afternoon after class; I had changed into my street clothes and looked, I don't know, ok, I guess. And this dude walks by me, this young dude, like 22 maybe, and goes "Excuse me, miss, could I get your number?" ("Excuse me, miss"?! I guess at least he didn't say "ma'am".)

I just looked at him somewhat incredulously. He looked back at me with this almost shy look on his face, like he was really hoping this forthright approach would be effective. He goes "nah, you don't want to, huh." "No, not really." "Ok, have a good one." And he sauntered off.

I just don't understand what goes through people's heads sometimes.


Anonymous said...

Ha! That's funny. Men are kind of ridiculous. I was at a Halloween party with Vad on Saturday and some young gentleman asked me if he could give me a foot massage!! What? I said, "I don't think that would sit well with my fiance." He looked dumbstruck, as if the ring on my finger wasn't there.... hellloo!!!! What an odd thing to offer a girl you don't know, huh?

Nicky said...

Perhaps he thought your engagement ring was actually an "availability band."