The semi-coherent, occasionally amusing, usually grammatically correct ramblings of a recovering English major.

06 January 2007

"Sun that warms you here" king richard ii: i, iii

"Cats and dogs living together -- mass hysteria!"

That's kind of how it feels up here in the ol' southeast Northeast. There's no way to put it politely (well, that's not true, a better-read person than I might have a more pleasant way of saying this) -- this weather is fucking strange. S-T-R-A-N-G-E.

Actually I just wanted an excuse to put up that scene from "Ghostbusters," because I think of it often in my own little strange mind, and I was able to kind of make it fit here.

But seriously, there are cherry blossoms in bloom here in RI. In January. I'm just saying. Next thing you know, Georgie W. will be admitting he did something wrong. If that happens, I just want to put it out there that you might find me in church next Sunday, making preparations for the End Times.

Whoa - as I wrote that, the sun burst through the clouds for like 15 seconds then went back in. Cue creepy ghost-movie music.

1 comment:

Katie Schwartz said...

bubbie, what did you think of jorge's debacle on wednesday night? will you be posting? I hope so!