The semi-coherent, occasionally amusing, usually grammatically correct ramblings of a recovering English major.

22 April 2007

"we shall remain in friendship" antony and cleopatra: ii, ii

Congratulate me -- I just got a 94 on a very rigorous practical exam in my chocolates class. It was very stressful, but in the end I feel like I kept a very cool head. There were a couple points where I had little episodes -- like "Do I even remember the first thing I need to do to temper chocolate??" But my cooler side prevailed, just kept my head down and kept moving.

Yesterday I caught up with some awesome friends I haven't seen or even really talked to in years. What felt especially great about it was that after just a few minutes, I felt just as comfortable with them as I ever did in high school. I'm really, really bad at keeping in touch with people, even people I love and want to be in touch with. I always kick myself for letting myself get so out of touch with people whose friendship brings me warmth and happiness, and I always vow to not let it keep happening. I hope this weekend will be a new leaf for me.

I feel like I want to close out with something really awesome and funny.
Oh, how about this:


KayMac said...

congratulations on your 94!

Amy Guth said...
