The semi-coherent, occasionally amusing, usually grammatically correct ramblings of a recovering English major.

06 March 2007

"an apple, cleft in two, is not more twin than these two creatures" twelfth night: v, i

So, I have to confess that I did look for photos of Boy George when he was doing his community service in NYC, picking up trash. I didn't feel good about it, though -- he's a bit of a wash-up at this point, he looks like hell these days, and more than anything it just seemed sad to me. However, I took pure glee in this one. Why? Because Naomi Campbell is not a wash-up, she's a spoiled brat who threw a cell phone while she was having a temper tantrum because something didn't go exactly her way. The article states that "she has blamed her temper on lingering resentment toward her father for abandoning her as a child." Get over it. It's sad and all that her father abandoned her, but it doesn't even register on the scale of acceptable excuses for assaulting at least three employees.

In other exciting news, I have joined the wireless revolution, and I am now typing to you from a brand spanking new MacBook. It's great. My favorite perk so far is that it has a built in camera with PhotoBooth, software that lets me take pictures using different cool filters such as this one:

Fun, right?

Oh, also, apparently I have a twin roaming around the city; according to V. she looks so much like me that people who know me have addressed her as if she was me before taking a second look and realizing that it's not in fact me. Now, I assume that since we are twins, one of us must be the evil twin, so I will assume, unless I meet her and it proves to be otherwise, that I am the evil twin.

Someone I work with speculated that if we ever did meet, it would create a tear in the space/time continuum and unmake the world. Maybe I'll stay in tonight, just in case.


Amy Guth said...

Right?!?! Isn't PhotoBooth wicked badass?

You have a twin in Chicago, too, dearie. There are several V.s in Chicago, though, which I am always quick to label.

Eric Spitznagel said...

You're so lucky. I've always wanted my very own doppelganger.

Actually, after doing a little research, I don't so much anymore. Apparently they're bad news. I have no problem with an evil twin, but a twin that might very well be a "harbinger of death?" Yeah, no thanks, I'll pass.

Nicky said...

Dude - that totally freaked me out. Now I'm never leaving the house.